Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy 2012 from Toughen Up

We will open the book

Its pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called “Opportunity” and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.

Wishing you health, happiness and the fulfilment of your dreams in 2012
Toughen UP

Friday, 30 December 2011

Food for thought

Can diet stop brain shrinkage?

A diet rich in vitamins and fish may protect the brain from ageing while junk food has the opposite effect, research suggests.

Elderly people with high blood levels of vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids had less brain shrinkage and better mental performance, a Neurology study found.

Trans fats found in fast foods were linked to lower scores in tests and more shrinkage typical of Alzheimer's.

A UK medical charity has called for more work into diet and dementia risk.

The best current advice is to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, not smoke, take regular exercise and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check, said Alzheimer's Research UK.

"There is a clear need for conclusive evidence about the effect of diet on our risk of Alzheimer's, which can only come from large-scale, long-term studies”
Dr Simon Ridley

Alzheimer's Research UK
The research looked at nutrients in blood, rather than relying on questionnaires to assess a person's diet.

US experts analysed blood samples from 104 healthy people with an average age of 87 who had few known risk factors for Alzheimer's.

They found those who had more vitamin B, C, D and E in their blood performed better in tests of memory and thinking skills. People with high levels of omega 3 fatty acids - found mainly in fish - also had high scores. The poorest scores were found in people who had more trans fats in their blood.

Trans fats are common in processed foods, including cakes, biscuits and fried foods.

The researchers, from Oregon Health and Science University, Portland; Portland VA Medical Center; and Oregon State University, Corvallis, then carried out brain scans on 42 of the participants.

They found individuals with high levels of vitamins and omega 3 in their blood were more likely to have a large brain volume; while those with high levels of trans fat had a smaller total brain volume.

Study author Gene Bowman of Oregon Health and Science University said: "These results need to be confirmed, but obviously it is very exciting to think that people could potentially stop their brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by adjusting their diet."

Friday, 23 December 2011

Performance bracelets

Do they help or hinder?

We've all seen the ads and infomercials for the rubber bracelets that contain some type of metal or "negative ions" claiming to improve balance or increase performance among athletes. Regardless of whether you believe the positive hype or not, people who sport these "super" bracelets are being advised not to wear them due to radioactive contamination.

According to a health and science report from The Jerusalem Post , The Health Ministry and the Environmental Protection Ministry issued the warning after radiological and analytic labs found the bracelets to contain the radioactive material thorium 232, which produces a level of uranium that is higher than what's permitted by international standards.

In a statement by the ministry issued to the Post, wearers of the bracelet should stop "until there is proof that they do not contain radioactive contamination."

Thorium had been previously used as an alloying material and light source for things such as gas mantles, but due to radioactivity concerns, use of the material has become much more uncommon.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Suspension Training

Why Suspension Training?
Traditional weight training often only works one muscle at a time which is contradictory to the normal coordinated muscle effort used to complete most activities. Focusing on only one muscle at a time is more likely to lead to overuse injuries and muscular imbalances, as well as potentially limit strength and movement gains.
Suspension Training allows for the use of multiple planes of motion and works multiple muscles and joints simultaneously.

Everyone can benefit from Suspension Training. Because you can effortlessly control the resistance and level of difficulty by simply shifting the position of your body, the Suspension system is perfect for gentle rehabilitation, hardcore athletic training, and everything in between as you can adjust the load yourself.
Suspension Training also allows for complete ranges of motion while training which allows for a more functional workout routine.

Tornado or Cyclone Ball

Medice Ball +
The tornado ball is a medicine ball on a rope, and as the name suggests will give you devastating rotational power.
The tornado ball is a medicine ball with a rope running through the middle, and ranges from 2-5 kgs. It is an innovative and versatile piece of modern training equipment, and can be used for functional resistance training or caveman-style anaerobic conditioning.
They are excellent for:

-Rhythmical stabilization drills, such as figure of 8 swings
-Explosive rebounding exercises against a wall, such as explosive reverse woodchops
-Explosive floor core training, such as kneeling V Slams
-Dynamic integrated training, such as standing lunge and slam

Bulgarian Bag

How to use
The bag can be used as a free weight in various simple and dynamic movements like pushing, spinning, swinging and rotating, and added to one's body weight to perform jumps, squats, push-ups, pull-ups and power crunches.

The Bulgarian Bag strengthens and increases the muscular endurance of the grip, wrists, arms, shoulders, back, legs, and rotational muscles.[13] It also aids in building core musculature, coordination, and improving overall shoulder and joint mobility. Because of its shape, material and construction, Bulgarian Bag can be used to develop quickness and agility in ways which solid iron weights and circuit machines cannot.

Aerobic effectAfter cardiovascular exercise or weight training, the body continues to need oxygen at a higher rate than before the exercise began. High intensity bouts of exercise with the Bulgarian Bag increase metabolic rates higher than traditional weight training and cardiovascular activity because the exercise includes both weight training and fast dynamic movement.


The kettlebell or girya
Is a cast-iron weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.
Sizes may range from 4 pounds (1.8 kg) to 175 pounds (79 kg). The term Pood is often used to refer to measurements of weight.

Unlike traditional dumbbells, the kettlebell's center of mass is extended beyond the hand, similar to Indian clubs or ishi sashi.
This facilitates ballistic and swinging movements. By their nature, typical kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance, particularly in the lower back, legs, and shoulders, and increase grip strength.

The basic movements, such as the swing, snatch, and the clean and jerk, engage the entire body at once, and in a way that mimics real world activities such as shoveling or farm work.

The movements used in kettlebell exercise can be dangerous to those who have back or shoulder problems, or a weak core.

Variants of the kettlebell include bags filled with sand or steel shot, water, or which take a variable number of plates.[6] They also have a center of mass extended beyond the hand and allow for swing movements and release moves with added safety and added grip, wrist, arm and core strengthening due to the shifting fill material.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Thanks to all our customers

A Thank You to all our class participants during 2011

As a reward for your sweat and tears during the past year
(some of you - almost 2 years!)

All customers attending classes between:
 December 12th & December 17th

will recieve a Loyalty Reward which entitles you to up to 5 free classes during:
 December 19th to December 24th.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Healthy 2012

Toughen Up

Monday, 5 December 2011

FAQ: Muscle Weight Gain

The Definitive Guide to Building Muscle

The biggest muscle building mistake you can make is doing routines from muscle magazines. Most of those guys don't train naturally, are genetically gifted and never started training that way. Doing their routines won't make you build muscle fast.
The average person needs a different approach. One that builds muscle fast and prevents physical & mental overtraining from doing too much, too soon.

1. Get Stronger. More strength is more muscle. Get into strength training. Weight training is great because it allows you to start light and add weight endlessly. Body-weight exercises work too, start with an empty bar and learn proper technique. Add weight each workout to keep pushing your body out of comfort zone.

2. Use Free Weights. You can lift the heaviest weights using barbells. More weight is more stress, thus more muscle. Dumbbells are great for assistance exercises, but not for your main lifts. Stay away from machines.
Machines force you into fixed, unnatural movement patterns which can cause injuries. Whilst free weights replicate natural motions. Free weights force you to control and balance the weight. This builds more muscle than machines as they balance the weight for you.
Strength built on machines doesn't transfer to free weights or real life. No machine balances the weight for you in everyday life.

You can do hundreds of exercises with just 1 barbell. Saves a lot of money and space, especially if you want to build a home gym.

3. Do Compound Exercises. Isolation exercises are ok once you've built base strength & muscle mass. But if you're starting to build muscle, exercises that hit several muscles at the same time are better.

Try these great compound exercises:
Pull-ups, Chin-ups & Barbell Rows
Bench Press, Overhead Press, Dips
Squats & Deadlifts

4. Train Your Legs. Squats work your whole body, they're the most important exercise. You'll look totally different once you can Squat 300lbs. That's a free weight Squat with hips coming lower than knees.

All your muscles tense when doing Squats & Deadlifts. They work your body as 1 piece and let you lift heavy weights. Don't lose time with Biceps Curls. When you can Squat & Deadlift heavy weights, you'll have bigger arms.

5. Do Full Body Workouts. Don't do those muscle magazine workouts. Body part splits with isolation exercises is fine once you've built a strong foundation.

6 Proper Recovery. Pro athletes workout 5-6 times per week. But they didn't start that way. They added workouts as they got stronger & bigger. You'll overtrain if you jump into their routines. As a beginner you need more recovery.

Rest. Muscles grow when you rest, not when you workout. Start with 3 full body workouts per week and focus on intensity, not gym time.

Sleep. Growth hormone releases when you sleep, building muscle. Aim for 8 hours sleep. Nap post workout if your lifestyle allows.

Drink Water. Avoids dehydration and helps muscle recovery. Drink 2 cups water with each meal, and sip water during your workout.

Eat. "Eat like a horse. Sleep like a baby. Grow like a weed". Your training is useless if you don't eat enough calories for recovery.

7. Eat Whole Foods. You'll achieve a lower body fat %, so the muscles you've built show better and the vitamin & mineral content helps recovery. Stop eating food coming from a box. Eat whole foods 90% of the time.

Proteins. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, ...

Carbs. Brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta, quinoa, ...

Veggies. Spinach, broccoli, tomato, salad, carrot, ...

Fruits. Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, peers, ...

Fats. Olive oil, fish oil, real butter, nuts, flax seeds, ...

8. Eat More. Training is more important than diet for muscle building. But you do need to give your body the food it needs for optimal recovery. Most guys don't eat enough, you got to eat more to build muscle.

Eat Breakfast. Get calories from the first hour.
Eat Post Workout. Get proteins and carbs post workout to help muscle recovery and replenish your energy stores.

Eat Every 3 Hours. 6 meals/day. Gives your muscles a steady intake of protein, speeds up muscle repair & recovery, boosts your metabolism.

Eat Body Weight in lbs x 18kcal. You need at least your body-weight in lbs x 18kcal to maintain weight.

Eat Calorie Dense Foods. 100g raw spinach is 25kcals. But 100g raw rice is 380kcals. Eat pasta, oats, olive oil, mixed nuts, etc.

10. Get Protein. Proteins have the highest thermic effect. You need 1g protein per pound of body-weight daily to build & maintain muscle. That’s 160g of daily protein if you weigh 160lbs/72kg. Eat whole proteins with each meal.

Red Meat. Ground round, steaks, deer, buffalo, …

Poultry. Chicken breast, whole chicken, turkey, duck, …

Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, …

Eggs. Eat the yolk, it's full of vitamins.

Dairy. Milk, cottage cheese, quark cheese, yogurt, whey, …

If you weigh 160lbs: 1 can of tuna at lunch, 300g cheese as snack, 300g meat at dinner and 500ml milk through the day gets you 160g protein.

Persist. Get stronger, track progress and persist until you've built the muscles you want. You'll see the biggest change in physique after following this method for a couple of months.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

British women 'fattest in Europe'

British women named the most overweight in Europe.

Figures released by the European Commission showed that nearly a quarter (23.9%) of women in the UK were obese in 2008/09, when the data was recorded. The statistics showed British men are not far behind, with 22.1% being classed as overweight, coming second only to Malta.

They found the share of overweight and obese people increases with age in all of the 19 member states that data was available for. The figures also show the proportion of women who are obese or overweight falls as the educational level rises.
The high levels of obesity in the UK are in stark contrast to those in countries such as Romania, where just 8% of women were classed as obese along with 7.6% of men.
Separate statistics show that around a third (32%) of English children aged 11 to 15 are overweight or obese.

Last month Health Secretary Andrew Lansley launched a new "ambition" to bring down England's obesity levels by 2020 and said people need to be honest with themselves about how much they eat and drink.
Overall, Britons should be eating five billion fewer calories a day than at present, he said.

And earlier this year, the issue's toll on health services became apparent when it emerged that the number of hospital admissions for obesity has risen by more than 30%. There were 10,571 NHS hospital admissions in 2009/10 where the main reason for treatment was that the person was obese. The figure is more than 10 times the number in 1999/00 (979) and more than 30% higher than in 2008/09 (7,988).

A man or woman is defined as obese if their body mass index (BMI) is 30 or above and overweight if it is between 25 and 30. The BMI is a measure of a person's weight relative to their height that correlates fairly well with body fat and is calculated by dividing body weight by body height squared.

Source: MSN news


Monday, 5 September 2011

Why Whey?

What Is Whey Protein?
Whey is one of the primary proteins of milk, along with casein. During cheese production, the liquid is separated from the curd. The liquid contains whey protein, while the curd contains casein. The liquid is then processed into the different forms of whey protein: concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate.

What Type Should I Take?
If youre thinking about taking in whey protein supplements, then there are other important whey protein facts you need to know about. First of all, dont ever make the mistake of thinking all whey proteins are the same. Different whey protein products have varying compositions and these variations are based on several factors, which include: the source of milk, the method of production, the type of cheese being produced, and the specifications of the manufacturer.
Furthermore, you should learn the difference between whey concentrate and whey isolate because these are the most common forms of protein found in whey supplements. Whey protein isolate is known to be the purest form of whey protein. It contains around 90% protein, with very little fat and lactose. Whey protein concentrate, on the other hand, may contain anywhere between 25% and 89% of protein. It does contain some lactose and fat along with some essential minerals. Most whey protein supplements come in the form of whey concentrate with 80% protein.

What Is The Most Effective Dosage?
Knowing just how much protein your body needs each day is among the most important whey protein facts you should learn because it will help you maximize the muscle building benefits of this super supplement. The rule of thumb is that you should take in a gram of protein for every pound of your body weight. If you're taking in more than this amount, then you should be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep cells hydrated and to gain the maximum amount of protein synthesis.

Why Whey Protein?
Whey protein is considered as complete protein because it contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs each day. With this fact alone, it is safe to conclude that whey protein is indeed among the best, if not the best sources of protein.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Need motivation to keep to your fitness regime?

Are you TOUGH ENough?

Having an event to train for is a great motivational tool to target your training and energise your diet.
Try a SPARTAN Race - a 5km obstacle course that will challenge your fitness and determination.

Give it a try and you will be hooked - AROO!

The next UK event is:
16th October 2011
Priory Events
Sandy Lane
South Nutfield,
Surrey RH1 4E

Check the website for more details

All 'TOUGHENUP' participants will receive a free TOUGHENUP T-shirt
Speak to a TOUGHENUP trainer for more details

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Obesity is a 'bigger cause of breast cancer than smoking or drinking'

Obesity is the biggest avoidable cause of breast cancer, a study claims.

Women who are dangerously overweight are at a far higher risk even than those who drink heavily or smoke.
Experts have long known that the excesses of a modern, unhealthy lifestyle can dramatically increase the likelihood of breast cancer.
But now scientists have shown that obese women have far higher levels of cancer-triggering hormones than those who smoke or drink to excess.
Breast cancer most commonly affects women just after the menopause and nearly half of all cases occur in those aged 50 to 70.

In the past 30 years rates of the disease have risen dramatically and 47,700 women are now diagnosed every year.
Over the same period, levels of obesity have also soared – nearly one in five females is now deemed so overweight that her health is at risk.
Researchers at Oxford University looked at levels of cancer-triggering hormones including oestrogen and testosterone in 6,300 post-menopausal women.

They wanted to establish how hormone levels are influenced by different factors in women most susceptible to being diagnosed with breast cancer.
The scientists found that obesity had a much greater influence on these hormones than alcohol consumption or very heavy smoking.
On average, obese women had oestrogen levels 50 per cent higher than those of normal weight. Testosterone levels were 16 per cent higher. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index greater than 30, which is equivalent to a 5ft 6in woman weighing 13.5 stone.
Experts believe that fat tissue secretes oestrogen and another hormone, insulin, which in turn triggers production of testosterone.
The researchers, who looked at 13 published studies, also found that drinking two and a half units of alcohol a day – one large glass of wine – increased levels of some cancer-triggering hormones by 18 per cent, but had no effect on oestrogen.

Smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day also raised the level of some hormones by a small amount, the study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, found.

A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer depends on a range of other factors including family history, age, time of menopause and whether she has had children.
But scientists say that obesity is the biggest avoidable cause of the disease.
Breast cancer is by far the most common form of cancer in women and they have a one in eight chance of being diagnosed at some point during their lifetime.
Dr Julie Sharp, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information manager, said: ‘We know that the risk of the disease can be affected by family history and getting older, but there are also things women can do help reduce the risk of the disease.

'Maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing alcohol consumption are key to reducing breast cancer risk.’

Read more:

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Sleeping Diet


Dieters who sleep 8 1/2 hrs a night (versus 5 1/2) lose more fat & less muscle, says study."

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Healthy weight loss diet plan

A sensible rate of weight loss is around 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week. To achieve this, you need an energy deficit of 3,500kcal to 7,000kcal a week, which means eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day.

You can do this by replacing high-fat foods with those that are low in fat such as fruit, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates and lower-fat dairy products, and by being more physically active.
It's also important to watch the size of your portions.

Meat, fish and alternatives
Meat, fish, eggs and alternatives, such as beans and lentils, provide protein, which is essential for growth and repair. These protein-rich foods, meat in particular, are also good sources of iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins.

Lean sources of protein can also help to curb your appetite. To help reduce the calories you get from fat, remove the skin from chicken, cut off obvious bits of fat from lamb, pork and beef, and use minimum oil for cooking.

Aim to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines or trout.

You should have two portions of protein-rich foods every day. A portion is equivalent to:

•Meat and fish the size of a pack of playing cards
•Two eggs
•Four tablespoons of lentils or beans

Bread, cereals and potatoes
Starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice and breakfast cereals, provide us with energy and other nutrients, including iron and B vitamins.

Starchy foods should make up about a third of your total daily energy intake.

Choose unrefined types that are higher in fibre. They'll make you feel full for longer and help to control hunger.

A balanced diet should contain about five portions of starchy foods each day. A portion is equivalent to:

•Three tablespoons of breakfast cereal
•One large slice of bread
•One chapatti
•Three heaped tablespoons of pasta
•Two egg-size potatoes
•Two heaped tablespoons of rice

Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and contain many other compounds associated with good health.

Everyone should aim to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in their diet.

Because fruit and vegetables are bulky and contain a lot of water, they can help to control your calorie intake. Aim for at least five portions a day.

A portion weighs about 80g and can include fresh, canned, frozen and dried fruit and vegetables. A portion is equivalent to:

•Two large tablespoons of vegetables, such as peas, carrots, swede or broccoli
•Whole fruits, such as one apple, one orange, one pear
•A handful of grapes
•Two tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries
•One small glass of fruit juice
•A handful of dried fruit

Milk and dairy foods
Foods such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are an important source of calcium as well as providing protein and vitamins. Choose low-fat or reduced-fat versions to reduce the amount of calories in your diet.

Aim for around three portions of dairy foods a day. A portion is equivalent to:

•A medium-size glass of milk
•A small pot of yoghurt
•A small matchbox-sized piece of cheese

Foods containing fat and/or sugar
Fatty and sugary foods, such as crisps, spreads, oils, creamy dressings, sweets, cakes, biscuits and chocolate, and sugar-rich drinks, including alcohol, are high in calories but relatively low in nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Eating healthily means including foods that are packed with nutrients rather than packed with energy.

You should reduce your intake of these foods as much as possible. You can do this by:

•Swapping sugary and fatty snacks for fruit, diet yoghurt or a slice of wholemeal toast with reduced-fat spread
•Choosing water, reduced-fat milk or low-calorie drinks instead of sugar-rich drinks
•Using only a scraping of spread on your bread and using an oil spray to limit fat when cooking
Alcohol contains around 7 kcal per gram. As well as adding calories to your diet, it can stimulate the appetite and weaken your healthy eating intentions.

Salt intake
On average, we eat over 50 per cent more salt than the recommended level and more than twice the amount we actually need.

We've become used to eating foods containing salt, so reducing the amount we consume often means adjusting our palates.

A lot of salt comes from processed foods, so look for low-salt varieties and check the salt content on the label. You can also cut salt by:

•Preparing foods from fresh ingredients as much as possible
•Avoiding salty snacks, such as crisps and salted nuts
•Choosing 'unsalted', 'no added salt' or 'reduced salt' foods

Source: Dr Toni Steer and Dr Susan Jebb

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Exams force re-location

That time of the year again and the gyms are being used for exams.
Our Boxercise classes have moved to the Drama studio.

This is located across the playground behind the gyms on the 1st floor. The Drama studios can get hot so bring another drink.
Yes you will be even sweat-ier than usual!

See you there...

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Fat fine?

"Overweight welfare claimants in the US state of Arizona face paying $50 fines if they don't follow a dietary regime laid down by their doctor. Is that fair?"
source BBC News US & Canada

Is it fair for people too fat to work, to receive benefits even if they continue to over-eat?
Or should they be treated the same as other 'addicts'?

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

To test or not to test....

New blood test shows how long you will live
Would you want to know?
Once you know, you can't un-know...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Friday, 22 April 2011

Men need more help than women!

Men often give up sport as they get older

Too many men are failing to recognise the health risks of being overweight.
Women face a lot of cultural pressure to be slim though this is largely not because of health concerns.
Though many women often do not have a good understanding of the factors that affect their weight.

The majority of men, as they get older appear not to be as bothered about their weight as they maybe should be.
A significantly greater proportion of men are overweight or obese (66% of men compared with 57% of women).

Body image
Too many men still die too young - 22% of men in England and Wales die before they reach 64 compared to 13% of women.
Overweight and obesity are a major factor in this excess burden of male death. Two thirds of men are overweight or obese - the obesity rate alone could rise to 60% by 2050.
Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped", overweight women "pear-shaped". For complex physiological and biological reasons, this extra fat around the middle causes much greater harm.

Yet many men seem unconcerned about their weight.

Men are more likely than women to get some exercise but their exercise levels drop off very quickly as they get into their 30s. Some men start feeling they can't exercise like they could when they were younger, and so just give up completely. Others think that weight is a "women's issue".

This is a cultural thing. Women face a lot more body image pressure than men, although that is starting to affect some young men too.

But generally it appears men are less aware of the connection between excess weight and poorer health.
Being overweight increases the risks of heart disease and stroke - the biggest killers of men. It is also an important risk factor for several cancers.

Men are 70% more likely than women to die from cancers common to both sexes and 60% more likely to get such a cancer.

More physical activity could make a big impact.
Active men have a 20-30% reduced risk of early death and up to 50% reduced risk of developing major diseases.

It is estimated that a million men aged over 35 in England and Wales need to get more exercise if their age group is to be as active as younger men.

We need to let men know about alternatives to the style of football or rugby they played when they were 20.
People who cycle to and from work generally take less sick days.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Fitness Commandments

1) Take body measurements and initial weight
2) Set measureable long term and short term goals
3) Wake up to a pint of water to rehydrate
and kickstart your metabolism
4) Start the day with a healthy breakfast
5) Pack a lunch box to take to work
reduces the risk of snacking
6) Eat at least every 3 hours
keeps metabolism high and cuts down the chances of snacking
7) Replace white bread/ pasta with wholemeal
8) Eat 5 meals/ snacks a day
to keep metabolism high
9) Get active for at least 30 minutes a day
10) Keep hydrated throughout the day, more water less soda...
Get a good nights sleep


If you want to help people to live a healthy life, think about
becoming a medical assistant

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

New Years Resolution :'(

A third of the year is almost over. Are your New Years resolutions already a distant memory?
Need an extra push to stay on track?

The economy has taken a hit and all of our pockets are feeling the pinch, but can you afford to put your health and fitness needs on hold...?

To help you get back on track Toughen Up are having some great discounts on our Personal Tuition and Boxercise classes.

Personal Fitness tuition with Alex
Monday to Friday 06:00am to 17:00pm only - £15.00
Monday to Friday 17:30pm to 21:00pm only - £25.00
Saturday and Sunday 06:00am to 17:00pm only - £30.00

Boxercise classes
Monday, *Tuesday, Wednesday and *Saturday
Pay for 10 lessons in advance and save £1 per session

*Tuesday and Saturday Boxercise classes are women-only

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Virgin Marathon Appeal

The London Marathon is drawing nearer and there are so many worthy causes to choose from.

To help you in your decision process. One of our regular Boxercisees will be participating again this year and would like to raise even more money than he did last year.

Herbie Williams donation

If you would like to help Herbie run that little bit faster click on the link above and give a little bit of love.

Good Luck Herbie.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Are 'cheat' meals ok?

You can look great and still have some forbidden foods
occasionally. It’s not all or nothing. Just make sure
your regular meals are healthy and then plan your
cheat meals so you can really enjoy them and have a
food you really like.

You can look forward to having some pizza or some ice
cream once in a while. Keep your cheat meals in check
and they can actually be helpful.

Having an occasional cheat meal can help in many ways:

Boost metabolism

Satisfy cravings

Refresh you mentally

and gives you something to look forward to.

Your number of cheat meals has to do with how serious you
are and what your goals are. You can get good results
and still have one maybe two cheat meals a week. But it
depends on what you consider a cheat meal. A cheat meal of
one slice of pizza along with other healthy foods is not
the same as binging on a whole pizza and cake and
ice cream, etc.

I personally feel that cheat meals should not automatically
be on a certain day of the week. If you have made no progress
towards your goal it is not time to have a cheat meal just
because it's Friday night.

Make a realistic goal that when you reach it you will reward
yourself, and if you haven't made that goal by your usual
cheat day, then give it another day or longer, until you
have reached that goal and then enjoy your well deserved

To make a cheat meal work it is important that you plan
in advance exactly what and how much you are going to eat.


If topics like this as well as biology interest you, find more info

Monday, 10 January 2011

Treadmill benefits

"according to recent studies..."
Men who excercised for 30 minutes on a treadmill boosted their levels of phenylactic acid (a natural anti-depressant) by 77%

Running for an hour or more per week reduces your chance of coronary heart disease by 42%

Running on a treadmill instead of on the road reduces your chances of a stress fracture by at least 48%
- running on a treadmill also reduces your chances of being chased by a rabid dog and/ or knocked down by a car

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Hows your News Years resolution....?

Are your New Year's resolutions a distant memory?
Are you managing to keep to the targets you set?

If you need a little jolt or a major push our price reductions may help.

During January & February 2011 when you pay for 10 lessons in advance you can make great savings:

- Alexs' Personal Fitness tuition reduced from £250.00 to £150.00
just £15.00 per hour

- Unisex Boxercise classes reduced from £50.00 to £30.00
just £3.00 per hour
- Women-only Boxercise classes reduced from £50.00 to £30.00
just £3.00 per hour

During January Body Composition analysis reduced from £6.00 to £4.00

Monday, 3 January 2011

Electronic cigarettes do they help or hinder?

Spain joined on Sunday the ranks of countries that have outlawed smoking in enclosed public space after a wave of similar legislation across Europe. For the makers of electronic cigarettes, which simulate the sensation of a cigarette and can contain nicotine, the traditionally heavy smoking nation marks a potentially lucrative market for their much-criticised product.

"We have seen sales grow by 30 percent each year since 2007 when we launched our product," said a spokesman for EdSylver, one of the leading manufacturers of the product invented in China in 2004.
Manufacturers such as EdSylver say the plastic cigarette is not harmful for the smoker or people around them, but this claim is rejected by health experts.

At a World Health Organisation conference in Uruguay in November, one of its leading anti-tobacco experts Eduardo Bianco said electronic cigarettes "sabotaged smoking prevention efforts", which were designed to encourage people to quit.
The plastic cigarettes function as mini aerosols, releasing artificial smoke with or without nicotine.

The French national office for smoking prevention said the purpose of the electronic cigarette was "ambiguous", and condemned its sale in pharmacies.
The office said the products were presented by manufacturers both as "an aid to quitting and a product which would allow smoking in enclosed spaces."

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