Friday, 31 December 2010
Happy & Healthy New Year 2011
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
New Year's Resolution
The usual...
- Improve health: lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking
- Improve finances: get out of debt, save money
- Improve career: get a better job
- Improve education: improve grades, get a better education, learn something new
- Improve self: become more organized, reduce stress, be less grumpy, manage time, be more independent, travel
Success rate
Research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set, such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.
This year be more realistic, don't try and set lots of goals, pick one or two important ones and set future dates to check on your progress in attaining your goal.
1) Not to be having the same resolution next year!
- take little steps,
the progress is slow but manageable and you WILL get there)
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Female Cage Fighting
The interest in MMA continues grow yet it is still a very male dominated sport.
Cage Queen hopes to change this male domination.
Check out the website it has news, fighter profiles/ rankings and statistics. There is also an event listing and a forum where you can share and gain information on training regimes, diet etc or just chat about an up-and-coming fighter.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI)
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) are a global crisis affecting both patients and healthcare workers.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at any point in time, 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from infections acquired in hospitals.
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report published in March-April 2007 estimated the number of U.S. deaths from healthcare associated infections in 2002 at 98,987.
The risk of acquiring Healthcare-Associated Infections in developing countries is 2-20 times higher than in developed countries.
Afflicting thousands of patients every year, HAI often leads to lengthening hospitalisation, increasing the likelihood of readmission, and adding sizably to the cost of care per patient.
Financially, HAIs represent an estimated annual impact of $6.7 billion to healthcare facilities, but the human cost is even higher.
Until recently, a lack of HAI reporting requirements for healthcare facilities has contributed to less-than-optimal emphasis being placed on eliminating the sources of healthcare associated infections. However, growing public anxiety regarding the issue and resulting legislation on state and local levels demanding accountability is serving to accelerate initiatives to combat HAIs.
To learn more about the impact of Healthcare-Associated Infections for both medical professionals and patients, please visit
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Body Composition
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Fat weight %
- Lean weight %
- Water weight %
- Estimate of Metabolic Rate at Rest (RMR)
- Estimate of average energy required
Boxercise vouchers
These vouchers can be redeemed against Boxercise classes during January and February 2011.
Monday - Unisex Boxercise
Tuesday - Women-only Boxercise
Wednesday - Unisex Boxercise
Saturday - Women-only Boxercise
Keep your New Years resolution alive and save money
Fat clearance SALE - ' all the fat MUST GO!!! '
All personal fitness tuition classes or vouchers purchased before the end of December 2010 and used during January and February 2011 are an amazing £15! yes thats right only £15 for a full hour class.
Bookings are on a 1st come first served basis.
Book early and lose
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Apple vs Pear
Waist measurement
BMI alone is not a good guide to who is at most risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
World Aids Day - December 1st 2010
Experts worry about danger to partners but also that late diagnosis means there is less chance of successful treatment
An estimated 86,500 people are living with HIV in the UK, according to figures released today, but around a quarter of them do not know they are infected.
"We're very concerned that a large number of people in the UK are unaware of their HIV status, and that half of all newly diagnosed people are diagnosed late, meaning they may not benefit from very effective treatments," said Dr Valerie Delpech, head of HIV surveillance at the Health Protection Agency which published the figures...
Deborah Jack, chief executive of the National Aids Trust, said the figures showed the need to increase testing. "Prevention is an immensely cost-effective activity … one HIV transmission is up to £360,000 in direct costs to the NHS."
The agency warned in July that the number of new HIV infections among over-50s had more than doubled in seven years.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
What is your Body Type?
Why Is Body Shape So Important?
Although we've known for decades that these different body shapes existed, only now are their causes and related health risks becoming clear. The startling discovery is that the areas of our bodies where we are genetically and hormonally predisposed to store our fat make all the difference.
Fat comes in two main varieties: subcutaneous fat, which is located under the skin; and visceral or abdominal fat, which packs itself around the inner organs of the abdomen.
Subcutaneous fat, being closer to the surface, is always easy to see. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is not always visible from the outside. It jams up against the intestines, kidneys, pancreas and liver (and sometimes even inside the liver). We all have some visceral fat because it protects our internal organs, acting both as shock absorber in case of trauma, and as insulator to help us conserve body heat. While some visceral fat is necessary, too much can create serious health problems.
Most people think of fat as inert material, much like the rind of fat surrounding a steak. But fat is actually living, breathing, hormone-producing tissue. Fat is critical for survival because it stores food energy, and because it helps regulate body functions through the give-and-take of chemical communications with the central nervous system.
Subcutaneous fat may be visible and annoying, but it is relatively harmless. In fact, fat in the pear zone -- hips, thighs and buttocks -- helps to protect us from disease and is hard to lose. Scientists are still studying this fat to try and understand exactly why it is protective. Subcutaneous fat is a ready supply of energy or fuel only when we are pregnant, breast-feeding or starving.
Excess visceral fat, on the other hand, can be dangerous. Visceral fat is more metabolically active than subcutaneous fat, and most of what it does is harmful to the body.
Visceral fat decreases insulin sensitivity (making diabetes more likely), increases triglycerides, decreases levels of HDL cholesterol (the good one), creates more inflammation and raises blood pressure -- all of which increase the risk of heart disease. Instead of trapping fat, visceral fat releases more of its free fatty acids into the blood stream, further increasing the risk of both diabetes and heart disease.
Women-Only classes - 10 count break
Friday, 26 November 2010
Lose weight for good
Try switching from white to wholemeal bread, or choose a wholegrain breakfast cereal.
Think about portion sizes
Portion sizes have increased over the years, especially when it comes to ready meals and snack foods. This means we're consuming extra calories, but we adapt quickly to eating bigger portions and don't tend to feel fuller as a result.
Remember the principles of a balanced diet - include plenty of fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day), unrefined foods with more fibre, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Horse Stance
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Success is not a race, be patient.
Success leads to success.
Success is always a work in progress.
Success doesn't come to you... you go to it.
Success is a journey, not a destination... focus on the process.
Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try - and keep trying.
Everyday is a good day to succeed.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Fitness tips
A crash diet slows your metabolic rate. When this happens, your body will store energy instead of burning it and you can actually gain weight.
A gradual increase in the number of days and the time spent being active will help reduce the risk of injury.
A warm-up before aerobic activity allows a gradual increase in heart rate and breathing.
A typical aerobics class burns about 300 calories.
An effective cardio exercise will increase your heart rate, which burns more calories while strengthening your cardiovascular system.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Get up and get busy
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Health facts
- Your toungue is germ free only if its pink. If its white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.
- 25% of your bones are located in your feet.
- A person will burn 7% more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
- Deep breathing gives you health benefits similar to aerobics.
- Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.
- Memory may be improved by memory exercises, healthy eating, physical activity and stress reduction.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Fitness Health Calculator
Friday, 22 October 2010
Women only exercise classes
Saturday at 11am and Tuesday at 7pm.
Now you can punch your way to a perfect physique twice a week, for even quicker results.
Still only £5 per session and discount pre-pay vouchers are valid for both classes.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
PingChat! ID: toughen.up
Women only classes
Monday, 18 October 2010
Health and Fitness inspirational quotes
- Cher
A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.
- Joan Welsh
Just because your not sick doesn't mean your healthy.
- Unknown
He who takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skills of his doctors.
- Chinese proverb
Saturday, 16 October 2010
10 Minute fat blaster
Get your body ready by performing some body mobilisation movements prior to starting the workout. Remember to do some light stretching after your workout to aid recovery and reduce stiffness.
Jumping Jacks x 20
Start with your feet hip width apart and arms at your sides. At the same time raise your arms above your head and jump so you spread your feet shoulder width apart. Then jump again as you lower your arms back to your sides and bring your feet together.
'Y' Squats x 12
Stand with your feet double shoulder width apart and your arms straight up above your head. Sit back as though about to sit in a chair making sure to keep your back straight. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor squeeze your glutes and return to the starting position.
Push Ups x 12
Lay on the floor supporting your body on your feet and hands Keep your hands beneath your shoulders. Keeping your abs braced and your body rigid lower your body until your chest is about 2 inches from the floor. Push back up until your arms are extended.
Crunches x 15
Lay on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your arms bent at 45 degrees, with your hands by the side of your head. Clench your stomach muscles and curl up towards your knees. Make sure your lower back stays in contact with the floor and keep staring straight up to prevent straining your neck. When your back is about halfway between your knees and the floor return to your starting position and repeat.
Forward Lunges x 12
Take a large step forward with one leg and drop the knee of the rear leg towards the floor. When your front thigh is parallel to the floor and the rear knee is just off the floor hold for 1 second and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. Perform 12 reps with each leg.
Repeat 3 times
For more workouts and health tips be sure to follow our blogs.
Women-Only fitness classes

If you want to increase your overall fitness levels, shift those stubborn fatty areas so you look great on the beach or just get into shape whilst having fun, meeting new friends and learning a useable self-defense system, then Toughen Up Boxercise classes are ideal.
Toughen Up Boxercise classes are based on the techniques and moves from boxing and Thai boxing. This mixture of skills creates a total body workout that will improve your cardiovascular fitness levels, tone all your muscles and reduce your body fat weight.
There is no physical contact during these classes so you can perform the workout without the bruises and other more serious injuries associated with boxing and other contact sports.
The classes are varied and there is a mix of solo, partner and group activities using shadow boxing, pad work and circuit training.
This is not a box-aerobics class and you will be shown the actual techniques and skills of a martial artist rather than just bouncing around to music whilst throwing punches.
There is no registration or membership charges and pre-booking your attendance is not required.
So just turn up and join in or feel free to watch a session.
Classes are every Saturday in:
Kingsmead School, Southbury Road, Enfield, EN1 1YQ
for more info call 07702 743 169 or view
Due to the nagging pestering of our current ladies we are in the process of securing another mid-week class just for women, so keep checking for further updates.
Mixed Martial Arts fitness classes

MMA Fitness is our new fun and dynamic training course that will help you broaden your skills and vastly improve your fitness. This course will increase your knowledge of mixed martial arts (MMA) drills, the usual bag and pad work as well as the more exotic such as slosh tubes.
MMA Fitness classes will allow you to perform mixed-martial arts (MMA) drills to develop fitness in a non-combative environment. You will also learn the correct techniques for a variety of punches, kicks and other strikes and how to link these up into combinations.
For a complete body fitness and toning regime that also equips you with functional self defense give our MMA fitness classes a try.
Our MMA Fitness classes will begin in January 2011
So there will be no excuses for not keeping those New Year resolutions.
Check our websites for more updates
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Boxercise classes
The workout uses the entire body. Cardiovascularly you burn more calories in an hour than using a stairclimber. You use your whole body, your arms, your legs and the time flies as you work on body movement, agility and momentum.
Correct technique takes practice and good instruction. Soon you'll become more comfortable with the punches enabling you to punch faster and burn even more calories. If you stick with the Boxercise workout you'll gain muscle definition, but you wont gain bulk.
Boxercise puts all the pieces together. Hitting the pads can be a great release for your aggression and anger, and its a phenomenal workout.
Best of all its fun.
So what are you going to do, toughen up or wimp out?
why not give it a try or drop in to a class and have a look.