Sunday, 21 March 2010

Boxercise classes

Boxercise is the best exercise to empower women and get men back in the studio.

The workout uses the entire body. Cardiovascularly you burn more calories in an hour than using a stairclimber. You use your whole body, your arms, your legs and the time flies as you work on body movement, agility and momentum.

Correct technique takes practice and good instruction. Soon you'll become more comfortable with the punches enabling you to punch faster and burn even more calories. If you stick with the Boxercise workout you'll gain muscle definition, but you wont gain bulk.

Boxercise puts all the pieces together. Hitting the pads can be a great release for your aggression and anger, and its a phenomenal workout.

Best of all its fun.

So what are you going to do, toughen up or wimp out?
why not give it a try or drop in to a class and have a look.

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